Membership & Pricing
OSBWKH Annual Subscriptions – Season 2021/2022
The Season starts on the 1st May, 2021 when subscriptions are due.
A Standing Order form is attached for anyone wishing to spread the cost of paying for the season in monthly installments, however the final installment must be paid prior to the 1st April, 2022. This facility is interest free. Members are reminded that hunt subscriptions are non refundable and anyone who undertakes payment by this method will be expected to complete their commitment.
Fully Inclusive Subscription
FULL HUNTER INCLUDING FIELD MONEY ( Autumn hunting and full hunting any day) £1,250
Any subscriber either renewing or taking out a subscription prior to 1st June
will only pay £1,200 whether paying in full or by standing order and will receive a
free guest ticket
Full Hunter
FULL HUNTER (Autumn hunting and full hunting any day on payment of £30 field money) £700 .
Any subscriber either renewing or taking out a subscription prior to 1st June
will only pay £650 whether paying in full or by standing order and will receive a
free guest ticket
Associate Subscription
ASSOCIATE SUBSCRIPTION (Autumn Hunting at £30 per day plus 4 Days Full Hunting at £30 per day) £300
Restrictions : Not allowed to come out on a guest ticket
No Voting Rights at AGM
No Access to Meet Texting Service – must contact Hunt Secretary
Anyone wishing to Hunt beyond stipulated days must upgrade to full season rate.
Young Person
AGE 9 TO 17 Any day Autumn Hunting or Hunting £15 Field Money
AGE 18 TO 24 £300 plus daily Field Money £30 per day
Student Card holders apply to Hon. Secretary
Parents of children who hunt more than three times a
season are expected to be Members or subscribers